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πŸ”οΈ Dungeon23 - Mandraen's Command Post

Level 17 - Mandraen's Command Post

This level was once a Dwarven tomb for the honoured ancestors, however it has now been occupied and turned into a command post by the lawful ruler of the clan, Mandraen from where he conducts his war against the traitorous general Findorlum.

Wandering Monsters

There are no random monsters on this level, any encounters will be noted in the specific location description, of course the GM is free to change this if they wish.



Location 1 - Stairs

East entry Down the stairs to area 23 on level 16.
West entry Down a corridor to area 2.
Room features A worked stone corridor with the deeds of ancient Dwarven ancestors chiselled into the walls in the ancient language of the Dwarves.
There is also a secret door halfway along the corridor, it is hidden behind a carving of the founders of the Dwarfhold standing in-front of the door, pressing a hidden catch causes the panel to swing open.
Monsters 2d6 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen assigned to guard the staircase.

Dwarves AC 4 [15], HD 1 (4 hp), Att 1 x weapon (1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (Dwarf 1), ML 8, AL N, XP 10

Location 2 - Central chamber

North entry Down the stairs to area 23 on level 16.
South entry Down a corridor to area 2.
East entry Along the corridor back to the stairs at area 1.
West entry Through a strong, locked door to area 7.
Room features A large open chamber that was once used for contemplation before visiting the tombs to show respect to the ancestors, now it has been converted into a makeshift barracks for the troops. There are makeshift beds everywhere, Dwarves polishing weapons and those too injured to fight lying on makeshift straw mattresses tending to be an apothecary.
There is a huge carving on the wall showing a statue-esque Dwarf wearing full plate armour, gold ringlets in his beard and wearing a mountain lion pelt, below the carving in Dwarven is a plaque proclaiming that this is Jomuri one of the first great Dwarven Lords.
Monsters 2d6 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen preparing to fight.
1d6 dead Dwarves who have not been removed yet.
1d6 + 1 injured Dwarves (normal stats but on 1hp) being tended to.
Galran the apothecary and 1d3 attendants (normal dwarf stats for attendants).

Calran - Dwarven Apothecary AC 4 [15], HD 1 (4 hp), Att 1 x weapon (1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (Dwarf 1), ML 8, AL N, XP 10

Galran is tired of the war and of having to bury his comrades but he is still loyal to Mandraen and is hesitant to voice his concerns lest they be taken for disloyalty, he is more willing than the other Dwarves to listen to any suggestions that may see a quick resolution to the war.

Galran has tended some of the casualties from the fighting on the lower levels and has noticed that some of them seem to have strange burn marks and wounds, he secretly believes that Findorlum's side has begun trying to weaponise the fallen star, but he has not yet voiced this concern.

Location 3 - Tomb of the Ancestors

North entry Along a wide corridor to area 2.
SECRET West entry A hidden catch allows access through a swinging panel, most of the Dwarves in here are aware of this.
Room features A series of ancient stone sarcophagi carved to resemble Dwarves at rest, containing the bones of the ancestors.
The room is decorated with fragrant bundles of herbs to hold back the smell of the dead.
2d6 dead Dwarves covered in blankets and herbs.
Monsters 1d6 Dwarves assigned to guard the bodies.
Hidden treasure Each stone tomb contains jewellery totalling 1D4x1000GP
One of the tombs contains a potion of control dragon and another of giant strength.

Location 4 - God of Death

North entry Along a wide corridor to area 6.
South entry Along a wide corridor to area 2.
SECRET West entry Leads to corridors allowing access to areas 6 and 7, most of the Dwarves in here are aware of this.
East entry Via a locked door to area 5.
Room features A hexagonal, raised dias on top of which stands a large statue of a Dwarf in immaculate armour, he carries a shield, an hourglass and a scroll, this is a depiction of the Dwarven god of death.
A number of burnt down candle stubs litter the floor around the statue, put there in honour of those who have died in the conflict.
Monsters 1d4 Dwarves lighting candles and praying for the departed.
Hidden treasure The shield carried by the statue is not actually part of it and is a Shield +2, although the Dwarves will see removing it as blasphemy.
Amongst the offerings laid in-front of the statue are a Sword +1 and Chainmail + 2.

Location 5 - Weapons Room

SECRET South entry Triggered by pressing a hidden button below once of the shelves, leads down a corridor to area 1, most of the Dwarves know about this.
West entry Through a locked door to area 4.
Room features This was once used as priest's quarters and the remains of the priest's desk and furniture are pushed haphazardly against the northern wall, having been forgotten in the rush to prepare for combat.
The room is currently used as an armoury, with the many shelves being repurposed to hold weapons, armour and the healing supplies of Galran the apothecary.
Monsters 50% chance of 1d6 Dwarves who are kitting themselves up.
Hidden treasure In addition to various Dwarven weapons and armour, in the abandoned desk of the old priest there is a scroll containing the following spells - animated dead, wall of ice, shield, wall of fire and wall of stone.
Searching the shelves yields 2 healing potions that Galran the apothecary is keeping for emergencies.

Location 6 - Haunted Tomb

North entry Along a wide corridor to area 2.
SECRET West entry A hidden catch allows access through a swinging panel, most of the Dwarves in here are aware of this.
Room features A series of ancient stone sarcophagi carved to resemble Dwarves at rest, containing the bones of the ancestors.
Unlike location 3 this room has no herbs in it, nor have any recently dead Dwarves been laid to rest here.
Monsters The angry ghost of an ancestor has been roused by the nearby fighting, believing it has more right to rule than either of the two pretenders it will try to possess anyone who enters and go on a one-ghost crusade to reclaim rulership.
Hidden treasure Jewellery totalling 10,000gp distributed between the stone tombs.
Ufalgo - Sentient Axe (INT 7, Ego 12, Communication Empathy, AL Lawful, Sensory Powers Detect Slopes, Enchantment +1, Dmg 1d8 +1): once belonged to an ancient chieftain (the same one now haunting the room, Ufalgo is desperate to be wielded again by someone of important in the Dwarfhold).

Jomuri - Maddened Ghost of an Ancient Dwarven Chieftain AC 0 [19], HD 10xxx (45hp), Att 1 x touch (life drain) or possession, THAC0 11 [+8], MV 90' (30'), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 10, AL L, XP 3000

Jomuri--when he manifests--appears as a translucent Dwarf wearing full battle armour and carrying a spectral version of the axe Ufalgo, he has a shaggy beard covered in golden rings and wears the shaggy pelt of the cave lion. Observant PCs may recognise him from the carving in area 2.

Jomuri--in his maddened state--believes that the only way to end the destructive conflict if for him to take control of the Dwarfhold once again, and he may have a point, Jomuri (or anyone possessed by him) can make attempt to sway a group of Dwarves to his banner, the Dwarves in question must make a Morale check and--if they fail--they are converted to follow Jomuri, their minds filled with visions of ancient glories. This could be dangerous, adding a third faction to an already unstable situation, but if the PCs can convince Jomuri to throw his weight behind one of the other two candidates for the throne (perhaps even possessing them), then it could bring an end to the conflict.

Jomuri cannot leave this location unless his is possessing someone.

Location 7 - Command Post

SECRET North entry Leading to areas 6 and 4.
SECRET South entry Leading to area 3.
East entry Through a locked door to area 2.
Room features This was once a magnificent room held up by stone columns designed to host religious services, now it serves a command post for Mandraen and his troops.
Monsters Mandraen - Dwarven Lord.
Mandraen's Elite bodyguard - 6 level 2 Dwarves
1D6+3 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen.

Mandraen, Dwarf Lord (Level 5 Dwarf) AC 6 [13] (leather armour + shield), HP 16, Att 1 Γ— sword (1d8+1), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90' (30'), SV D6 W7 P8 B10 S10, AL N, STR 11 INT 12 WIS 10 DEX 10 CON 11 CHA 11, Items Girdle of Giant Strength, Sword +1

Mandraen is a young Dwarf who was not well-prepared for assuming the role of Dwarf-lord following the death of his father, something of an oddity amongst Dwarves he believes that his race need to adapt and embrace new ideas if they want to flourish, originally he saw the passing of the falling star as an omen that his choice was approved by the ancestors, however, the war and mounting casualties have seen his optimism wane somewhat. He is not willing to hand control of the hold over to Findorlum but would be willing to listen to any other suggestions--perhaps even including a compromise--that would see an end to the destructive war.

Mandraen's Bodyguard (Level 2 Dwarves) AC 3 [16] (chainmail + shield), HP 8, Att 1 Γ— mace (1d8 + 2), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, AL Neutral, STR 11 INT 10 WIS 12 DEX 13 CON 10 CHA 14, Items Mace + 2

Dwarves AC 4 [15], HD 1 (4 hp), Att 1 x weapon (1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (Dwarf 1), ML 8, AL N, XP 10

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