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👹 Dungeon23 - Ogre Lord Lair

Level 8 - Ogre Lord Lair

Map created using Dungeonscrawl

Descending through the cavernous expanses of the Obsidian Ogres den, the PCs eventually find themselves heading into an area that has been artificially expanded, albeit crudely.

This is the lair of Drokhar the leader of the Obsidian Ogres.

This part of the lair is where Drokhar the leader of the Obsidian Ogres makes his lair; a couple of weeks ago--whilst enlarging their tunnels--the Ogres discovered the remnants of an ancient, forgotten tomb (see Abode of the Dead map, to be detailed later).

An elite Ogre called Turuk was sent to lead an expedition into the tomb, which he did, stealing a silver piece of jewellery called the necklace of Damang. As they took the necklace it roused the dormant spirits of the tomb, who animated bodies to attack forcing the Ogres to retreat.

Necklace of Damang: A thick silver chain with a single cyan coloured gemstone on it that gives the wearer a +1 AC bonus (not included in stats above). Drokhar threads his keys onto the chain, it is this necklace that the attacking undead see to recover.

Upon their return Turuk gave the necklace to his leader Drokhar, warning him that the dead were seeking to recover it and suggesting returning the item. However the greedy Ogre lord didn't wish to part with it, and instead flung Turuk into a prison chamber so that he couldn't let others know about this.

The only reason Turuk hasn't been killed is because Drokhar intends to extract information about the layout of the tomb from him and launch a major attack in the near future.


Wandering Monsters

Roll 1D6 every other turn, there is a 1-in-6 chance of an encounter. Encounter distance, etc should be determine as normal using your system of preference.

1D6 roll Encounter
1 1 Black Pudding
2 1d2 Cave Bears
3 2d6 Obsidian Ogres
4 1d6 Trolls
5 2d6 Obsidian Ogres
6 1d4 Spectres

Monster Stats

Drokhar - Ogre Lord/Chief AC 3 [16], HD 5+1 (25 hp), Att 2 x ogre big-chopper (1d12+2), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90' (30'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 10, AL C, XP 200

A particularly fierce Ogre, Drokhar is clade in leather armour (made from smaller suits crudely stitched together to accomodate his girth) and carries a gigantic crude chooper made of iron.

Obsidian Ogres AC 5 [14], HD 4+1 (19 hp), Att 1 x club (1d10), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90' (30'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 10, AL C, XP 125

Fierce 8'-10' tall humanoids dressed in animal furs and armed with wicked bone clubs.

Obsidian Ogre Bodyguard AC 3 [16], HD 4+1 (19 hp), Att 1 x ogre big-chopper (1d12+2), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90' (30'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 10, AL C, XP 150

Fierce 8'-10' tall humanoids, the elite bodyguards are clad in crude armour and carry weapons made of metal.

Troll AC 4 [15], HD 6+3x (30 hp), Att 2 x talon (2d6), 1 x bite (1d10), THAC0 13 [+6], MV 120' (40'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 10 (8 fear of fire), AL C, XP 650

Intelligent, wicked, 8’ tall humanoids with emaciated, rubbery bodies. Consume the flesh of other humanoids. Dwell underground, in barren wilderness, and in the ruined homes of former victims.

Location 1 - Entrance corridor

A winding natural corridor that links to Area 4 on the Lair of the Obsidian Ogres map.

There is a single Obsidian Ogre here on guard, if he has chance he will ring a large bell that he has to sound the alarm; each turn he rings the bell there is a 50% chance that 1D6 additional Ogres arrive as reinforcements.

Location 2 - Misty Cavern

A cavern that has a low-lying mist (coming up to the waist of a human-sized character) emanating from natural thermal vents in the walls and floor of the cavern. The mist is harmless.

Forgotten Victim

Lying on the floor, hidden by the mists is the body of a lowly adventurer who entered the lair and was slaughtered by the Ogres, however they were distracted by an undead attack and forgot to move the body. It lies there still marked on the map with a skull icon.

The dead warrior has the following equipment:

Location 3 - Creaking Floor Cavern

This appears to be a largely empty cavern however the floor creaks alarmingly underfoot as the PCs move.

The floor of this cavern is weak, anyone stepping on the red areas has a 1-in-6 chance of causing the red-marked floor to collapse, dumping anyone standing on it onto the Forgotten Grotto map (to be detailed later).

Location 4 - Entrance to the Lair Proper

A large cavern patrolled by a hungry Troll (around it's neck the troll has a piece of leather thonging with an iron key on it, the key opens the locked door between Areas 5 and 7).

Location 5 - Armory

A large chamber full of crude weapons and items either bartered with the Fire Tribe goblins or stolen from their victims. Given the Ogres lack of cleanliness rusty old weapons and armour are dumped in several piles around the cave.

Items piled in this cave

Location 6 - Lord's Chambers

This chamber belongs to Drokhar the lord of the Obsidian Ogres, it is decorated in a mockery of noble finery (since Drokhar sees himself as a noble amongst Ogres), but silk tapestries and plush covers have rotted and faded into uselessness.

There are 1D4+2 Obsidian Ogre Bodyguards and Drokhar the Ogre Lord here (Drokhar has a key for the door between Areas 5 & 7 and a second key that works on the two locked doors leading to Areas 8 & 9).

The Ogres all know how to use the secret entrances from these rooms and will peek through viewing slits in them if they get wind of invaders, seeking to come out behind the attackers and slaughter them with ease.

Drokhar's Treasure

Although most of the items in here are useless and rotting, the following are still usable, found tucked under a pile of moudlering fabrics:

Location 7 - Guard Room

A large chamber where 1D6+2 Ogres are playing cards using a couple of crates as a crude table, trying to pass the time until they are no longer on prison guard.

Location 8 - Prison Corridor

A short corridor leading to the prisoner holding area.

Location 9 - Prisoner Holding

In this cavern is a single prisoner, an Obsidian Ogre named Turuk (he has the stats of an Obsidian Ogre Bodyguard), he has been confined here on the orders of Drokhar.

Why is Turuk imprisoned?

Turuk was the Ogre who originally lead the exploration into the Abode of the Dead map; whilst there he pocketed a shiny necklace and bought it back with him and gave it to Drokhar (see the description at the start). Turuk gave the necklace to Drokhar but warned about the undead returning, he suggested putting the necklace back and was thrown in prison as a result by his greedy chief.

If the PCs free Turuk then he may help them, however he has the standard (lack of) morales and restraint common amongst Obsidian Ogres and this may cause issues.

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