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🏔️ Dungeon23 - Those Loyal to Mandraen

Level 16 - Those Loyal to Mandraen

As described in our previous post, fifty years ago the clan chieftain of Mel Garum Hedmuth fell ill, dying only recently; his son and successor Mandraen was not particularly well loved and was seen as being too enamoured of non-dwarven ways of life. Whilst many remained loyal to the line of succession, others banded together behind the leader of Mel Garum's armies, a well-loved warrior named Findorlum.

For the last few months a state of civil war has been occurring between the various levels of the fortress with the forces loyal to Mandraen and Findorlum fighting over them. This all came to a crashing end when the falling star passed overhead, a fragment of the star broke off and crashed into the fortress carving a huge wound in the side of the mountain. Both forces now find themselves assailed by infected animals and their brethren who have fallen to the disease.

This level of the Dwarfhold is occupied by Mandraen's forces, he moved his seat of power nearer to the surface hoping to open further relations with the other races, however this is one of the reasons that lead to accusations of un-dwarflike behaviour and too strong a love of the outsider's ways, prompted many to flock to General Findorlum who now holds the lower levels.

The map for this dungeon was created using the excellent Donjon Random Dungeon Generator ( with descriptions also being produced by the generator and then tweaked to fit the theme of this dungoen. Highly recommend you check it out.

Wandering Monsters

Roll 1D6 every other turn, there is a 1-in-6 chance of an encounter. Encounter distance, etc should be determined as normal using your system of preference.

1D6 Roll Encounter
1 5d10 hungry (normal) rats
2 2d4 fungus creatures
3 1D6+1 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen and a level 2 Dwarven Commander
4 1D6+1 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen
5 1D4 Dwarves loyal to Findorlum
6 Two groups of opposing Dwarves battling (2D6 plus a level 2 Dwarven Commander on each side).

Black Widows AC 6 [13], HD 3* (13 hp), Att 1 x bite (2d6 + poison), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 60' (20')\120' (40') in webs, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL N, XP 50

Centipede, Giant AC 9 [10], HD 1/2 (2 hp), Att 1 x bite (poison), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 7, AL N, XP 6

Crab Spider AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9 hp), Att 1 x bite (1d8 + poison), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120' (40'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL N, XP 25

Dwarves AC 4 [15], HD 1 (4 hp), Att 1 x weapon (1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12 (Dwarf 1), ML 8, AL N, XP 10

Fungus Creature AC 8 [11], HD 2 (9 hp), Att 1d6, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60' (20'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL C, XP 35

Goblins AC 6 [13], HD 1-1 (3 hp), Att 1 x weapon (1d6), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20'), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 7, AL C, XP 5

Rats, Normal AC 9 [10], HD 1 hp, Att 1 x bite per pack (1d6 + disease), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60' (20')/30' (10') swimming, SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 5, AL N, XP 5

Rats, Giant AC 7 [12], HD 1/2 (2 hp), Att 1 x bite (1d3 + disease), THAC0 19 [0], MV 120' (40')/60' (20') swimming, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 8, AL N, XP 5

Wight AC 5 [14], HD 3 (13 hp), Att 1 x touch (energy drain), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90' (30'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 12, AL C, XP 50





Red Letter Stairs
A Ascending and descending stairs leading to location 23 next level up and a location on the next level down (to be described in a future post).
B Staircase leading up to a sub-level acting as Mandraen's command post (to be detailed in future), it is guarded at all times by a 3rd level Dwarf.
C Staircase down to the next level (to be described in a future post).


There are a number of types of doors on this level as detailed below.

Type Material Effect
Portcullis Any Can be opened quite easily.
Secret Any If a character is searching in the right location they have a 1-in-6 chance of finding a secret door.
Stuck Wood May be forced with an Open Doors roll at standard difficulty.
Locked Wood Must be picked or opened with magic. Can be broken down, but takes 1d6 rounds with the GM rolling a random encounter each round.
Stuck Stone May be forced with an Open Doors roll at +1 difficulty.
Locked Stone Must be picked or opened with magic. Can be broken down, but takes 1d8 rounds with the GM rolling a random encounter each round.
Stuck Iron May be forced with an Open Doors roll at +2 difficulty.
Locked Iron Must be picked or opened with magic. Can be broken down, but takes 1d12 rounds with the GM rolling a random encounter each round.

Corridor Features

Letter Feature
a A rotting odour fills the corridor.
c A needle trap, a character has a 2-in-6 chance of activating it when they cross this point, if trigged it causes 2d4 hp damage.
e Swinging block trap, a character has 2-in-6 chance to trigger, causing 4d6 hp damage and potentially blocking the area.
i The corpses of several members of the opposing faction are mounted on spikes here.
m The walls here are engraved with dire warnings in Dwarven as to the fate of traitors.
n A needle trap, a character has a 2-in-6 chance of activating it when they cross this point, if trigged it causes 2d4 hp damage.
r Someone has scrawled "six, six, six, ten, two, seven" in Dwarvish here.
s A fountain of water sits in an alcove.
u Several alcoves are cut into the wall here.
v Razor-wire across hallway, 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 2d6 hp damage.
w Razor-wire across hallway, 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 2d6 hp damage.

The dwarves loyal to Mandraen are aware of the traps in the area and know both how to avoid and reset them.

Location 1 - Dwarven Stairs

North entry #1 Locked, strong wooden door.
North entry # 2 Stuck, simple wooden door.
West entry Locked simple wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Room features The remnants of a mosaic depicting proud Dwarven warriors is cracked and mostly destroyed on the floor of this chamber.
A large ascending/descending stone staircase leads up to location 23 on the level above and down to the nxt level, to be described in a future post.
Monsters 2d6 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen assigned to guard the staircase.

Location 2

North entry Unlocked, simple wooden door leading to location # 49.
South entry Trapped and stuck, iron door. 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 1d8 hp damage and resets automatically.

Location 3

North entry #1 Archway leading to location # 1.
North entry # 2 Trapped and stuck iron door. 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 1d8 hp damage and resets automatically.
West entry Locked simple wooden door.
South entry Unlocked, strong wooden door.
Room features The blades (only) of several weapons are embedded in cracks in the stone work (Dwarven soldiers broke the weapons of captured enemies here).
Monsters 5d10 rats

Location 4

North entry #1 Trapped iron portcullis. Needle trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate causes 2d4 hp damage.
North entry # 2 Locked, stone door.
West entry Unlocked, strong wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Monsters 3d6 giant rats.

Location 5

North entry Locked, simple wooden door.
West entry Archway.
Room features The sounds o dripping water can be faintly heard near the east wall and a charred oak beam lies in the south-east corner of the location.
Monsters 1d6 fungus creatures.

Location 6

West entry Wooden portcullis.
East entry Stuck, stone door.
South entry Secret, unlocked wooden door, it is concealed with the face of Dwarven ancestor carved in stone, it leads to location # 8.
Room features A set of Dwarven helmets hangs on the wall.

Location 7

West entry Trapped and stuck stone door. Poison needle trap, 2in-6 chance to trigger, 1 hp damage plus save vs death or die in 1d4 rounds.
South entry Unlocked wooden door.
West entry Locked simple wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Room features A well lies in the east side of the room and a wooden ladder rests against the south wall.
Monsters 12 rats.

Location 8

North entry Secret, unlocked wood door concealed within the stone carved face of a Dwarven ancestor, leads to location # 6.
East entry Unlocked, strong wooden door.
South entry Secret, trapped and unlocked iron door concealed within the mouth of a giant stone-carved skull. Needle trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate causes 2d4 hp damage.
Room features The rival faction covered the floor in oil, planning to set it alight to stop their enemies, but they never got the chance. The dwarves loyal to Mandraen have covered the oil in sand to make it more difficult to light and to soak it up.

Location 9

West entry Trapped and locked stone door. Ceiling pendulum, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causes 1d12+3 damage and automatically resets.
East entry Trapped and stuck stone door. Spike pit trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate, 2d6 hp damage from fall.
South entry Unlocked wooden door.
Room features A magical pool in the south side of the room grants beauty to whoever drinks from it (but only once).
Monster 2d6 giant centipedes

Location 10

North entry Trapped and locked stone door. Tripping chain, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causes 2d4+2 damage and automatically resets. Leads to location # 19.
West entry # 1 Iron portcullis.
West entry # 2 Locked stone door.

Location 11

North entry Stuck iron door.
East entry Wooden portcullis.
Monsters 7 rats.

Location 12

North entry Wooden portcullis, leads to location # 37.
East entry Stuck, simple wooden door, leads to location # 27.
South entry Locked, stone door.
Room features A raised stone dais sits in the south of the room.
Monsters 1D6+1 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen

Location 13

East entry Wooden portcullis.
South entry Archway.
Room features Stone carving of the ancient Dwarven Thanes decorate the eastern wall of this room and a simple fireplace sits against the north wall, it's narrow flue leading to the surface but it is almost impossible to climb.

Location 14

East entry Simple, stuck wooden door.
South entry Trapped and unlocked iron door. Guillotine blade, 2-in-6 change to trigger, causes 1d6 damage and must be reset manually.
Room features One the southern wall someone has scrawled "Brother has turned against brother, we are lost."
Monsters 2d10 rats

Location 15

North entry #1 Archway leading to location # 47.
North entry # 2 Unlocked, strong wooden door leading to location # 40.
South entry Unlocked, strong wooden door leading to location # 35.
Room features A large cube of marble that has been partially carved into a statue is abandoned hear with mason's tools scattered about it.
Monsters Injured 3rd level Dwarf (50% chance of being loyal to Mandraen).

Location 16

West entry Stuck, stone door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Monsters 1d4 crab spiders

Location 17

North entry Locked, simple wooden door.
East entry Archway leading to location # 36.
South entry Trapped and locked simple wooden door. Camouflaged pit-trap, 2-in-6 chance to trigger, 1d6 hp damage from fall.
Monsters 3 x 2nd level Dwarves loyal to Mandraen fighting against 2d6 Dwarves loyal to Findorlum.

Location 18

North entry #1 Unlocked wooden door.
North entry # 2 Locked, simple wooden door leading to location # 32.
South entry Unlocked, strong wooden door.

Location 19

North entry Archway leading to location # 30.
East entry Stuck wooden door leading to location # 20.
South entry Trapped and locked stone door leading to location # 10. Tripping chain, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causing 2d4+2 hp damage and resets automatically.
Monsters 1 Dwarf loyal to Findorlum, attempting to scout out this level.
Hidden treasure Hidden in a trapped chest, concealed in an alcove. Contact poison, 2-in-6 chance to activate, save vs death or die in 1d6 rounds. Chest contains 500 sp and a gem worth 500 gp.

Location 20

West entry Stuck wooden door leading to location # 19.
East entry Archway leading to location # 41.
South entry Wooden portcullis.

Location 21

North entry Trapped and locked iron door. Tripping chain, 2-in-6 chance to activate causes 2d4+2 hp damage and automatically resets.
West entry Archway leading to location # 45.
Room features A faded tapestry showing the General Findorlum leading the Dwarven host hands from the east wall, someone has daubed the word 'Traitot' on it in Dwarvish.
Monsters 1d10+2 goblins

Location 22

West entry Unlocked, simple wooden door.
East entry Stuck, simple wooden door.
Room features A Dwarven corpse wearing a metal breastplate lies in the south-west of the room, it is riddled with crossbow bolts.

Location 23

North entry Wooden portcullis.
East entry Locked simple wooden door.

Location 24

North entry Stuck, strong wooden dor leading to location # 44.
South entry Stuck wooden door.
Monsters 2d4 goblins who have crept up from the under depths, looting and pillaging in the chaos of the Dwarven civil war. Treasure type R.

Location 25

East entry Stuck, wooden door.
Room features Someone has scrawled 'They lurk in the depths' on the west wall and a shield studded with goblin arrows lies on the floor in the south side of the room.

Location 26

South entry Trapped and stuck wooden door leading to location # 45. Spear trap, 2-in-6 chance to activates, causes 1d4+4 damage and must be reset manually.
Room features A mosaic on the floor of this room depicts the layout of this level of the Dwarfhold but two thirds of it are shattered and/or missing.
Monsters 2d4 giant centipedes.

Location 27

West entry Stuck, simple wooden door leading to location # 12.
South entry Archway.
Room features An iron sarcophagus sites on the north side of the location, the body and wealth within were mostly removed when the civil war began but the determined hero can find 20gp still in there.
Monsters A crab spider clinging to the underside of the sarcophagus lid.

Location 28

North entry Stuck, simple wooden door.
North entry # 2 Locked, stone door leading to location # 4.
Room features Fighting has scarred several deep holes and gashes in the east and west walls.

Location 29

West entry Archway
Monsters 2nd level Dwarf loyal to Mandraen.
Treasure 300sp

Location 30

North entry #1 Unlocked, simple wooden door.
North entry # 2 Stuck, strong wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 19.
Room features A magical altar to the Dwarven goddess of light in the east side of the room causes unease in any evil creature within 30 feet, they must pass a morale check each turn they are in it's presence or attempt to flee the area.

Location 31

North entry #1 Locked, strong wooden door.
North entry # 2 Stuck, simple wooden door.
West entry Locked simple wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Room features The remnants of a mosaic depicting proud Dwarven warriors is cracked and mostly destroyed on the floor of this chamber.
^^ A large ascending/descending stone staircase leads up to location 23 on the level above and down to the nxt level, to be described in a future post.
Monsters 2d6 Dwarves loyal to Mandraen assigned to guard the staircase.

Location 32

West entry Trapped wooden portcullis. Acid trap, 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 2d4 acid damage for 2 rounds unless cleaned off with spirits, must be reloaded manually.
South entry Locked, simple wooden door leading to location # 18.
Room features The floor is covered in alternately black and white tiles.

Location 33

East entry Secret, stuck wooden door concealed behind a statue of an elemental salamander, it is opened by holding flame next to the statue. It leads to location # 31.
Room features Several pieces of partially destroyed wooden furniture (the remains of a previous barricade) litter the floor of this location.

Location 34

North entry Locked, stone door.
West entry Stuck, strong wooden door.

Location 35

North entry #1 Unlocked, strong wooden door leading to location # 15.
North entry # 2 Trapped and unlocked stone door. Tripping chain, 2-in-6 chance of triggering, causes 2d4+2 damage and automatically resets.
West entry Stuck, strong wooden door.
hidden treasure Concealed in a locked, wooden chest beneath a loose flagstone. Contains 90gp, an ornate porcelain plate painting to show mythical creatures (worth 900gp), and a gilded magnifying glass worth 100gp.

Location 36

North entry #1 Iron portcullis.
West entry # 1 Stuck, simple wooden door.
West entry # 2 Archway leading to location # 17.
Room features A magical mosaic in the north wall will shift to show the surrounding of a known individual if a hand is laid on it and phrase 'Sight beyond sight' is spoken in Ancient Dwarvish.
Monsters 3rd level Dwarven warrior loyal to Mandraen tasked with protecting the scrying mosaic.

Location 37

West entry Locked, strong wooden door.
South entry Wooden portcullis leading to location # 12.
Room features Burning torches hanf in iron sconces on the east and west walls, in the centre of the room a skeletal dwarf is laid in a rest position and next to him someone has scratched on the floor 'Here perished Bari in the first day of the War of Brothers.'

Location 38

West entry Trapped and locked wooden door. Falling brick trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causes 2d6 damage and must be manually reset.
Monsters 3rd level Dwarf loyal to Findorlum who was cut-off when his unit were killed, he is desperate to get back to the lower levels.
Treasure 110 gp.

Location 39

West entry #1 Secret, locked wooden door. It is concealed behind the statue of an ancient fire demon once defeated by the Dwarves, it opens when fire is applied to the statue.
West entry # 2 Unlocked, simple wooden door.
South entry Archway leading to location # 3.
Room features Someone has scrawled 'We are out of torches' on the north wall and the ceiling is covered with cobwebs through which can be glimpsed Dwarven corpses.
Monsters 1d3 Black Widow spiders.

Location 40

West entry Locked stone door leading to location # 47.
South entry Unlocked, strong wooden door leading to location # 15.
Trap Basic arrow trap, 2-in-6 chance of activating, causes 1d6 hp damage and must be manually reset.
Hidden treasure A locked wooden chest hidden behind a loose stone in the north wall, it is protected by the arrow trap. Contains 120gp.

Location 41

North entry Secret locked strong wooden door, a section of the wall pivots smoothly.
West entry Archway leading to location # 20.
South entry Wooden portcullis.
Room features Someone has scratched 'Beneath the tombs' onto the stone of the floor.
Monsters A slain Dwarf has risen as a wight, his fury at the pointless nature of the civil war leads him to attack any Dwarbes (of either side) who enter and anyone else he considers invaders, other parties are ignored at the GMs discretion.

Location 42

North entry Wooden portcullis.
West entry Secret, stuck strong wooden door. Concealed behind a ruined war machine, it leads to location # 48.
East entry Stuck, simple wooden door.
Monsters 1d6+2 Dwarves (loyal to Mandraen).

Location 43

West entry Stuck, wooden door.
East entry Stuck, simple wooden door.
South entry Stuck simple wooden door leading to location # 1.
Room features A stone stair ascends towards the south wall and a toppled statue lies against the northern wall.

Location 44

North entry Trapped and locked, simple wooden door. Camouflaged pit trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate, 2d6 falling damage.
South entry Strong, stuck wooden door leading to location # 24.

Location 45

North entry Trapped and stuck wooden door. Spear trap, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causes 1d6+4 hp damage and must be manually re-set.
West entry Simple, stuck wooden door.
East entry Archway leading to location # 21.
Room features A stone stair ascends towards the north wall and tile mosaic showing a forgotten Dwarven legend covers the floor.
Monsters 2d4 giant centipedes.

Location 46

North entry Trapped and unlocked iron door. Guillotine blade, 2-in-6 chance to activate, causes 1d6 damage and must be manually reset.
West entry Unlocked, simple wooden door.

Location 47

North entry Wooden portcullis.
East entry Locked stone door leading to location # 40.
South entry Archway leading to location # 15.

Location 48

West entry #1 Secret, stuck wooden door concealed behind a tapestry.
West entry #2 Locked wooden door.
East entry Secret, stuck strong wooden door concealed behind the remnants of a war machine, leading to location # 3.
Monsters 3rd level Dwarf who is injured and shell-shocked by the combat, now unable to tell friend from foe.

Location 49

West entry Stuck simple wooden door.
East entry Unlocked simple wooden door.
South entry Unlocked simple wooden door leading to location # 2.
Room features A sundered Dwarven helmet lies on the floor.
Monsters 2nd level Dwarf loyal to Mandraen.

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