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🍄 Dungeon23 - Hamlet of Mistreach

Inspired to jump into Dungeon23 (if you're not sure what Dungeon23 is check out my previous post here) by a recent Youtube video posted by DBJ (and if you've not checked out his Youtube channel I encourage you to give it a look here), I've spent a couple of hours this morning hashing out my first seven "rooms", using the Watabou village generator to create a fungally infested hamlet of Mistreach.

A small, dank village surrounding by unhealthy and unusually humid woodland, many of the trees are covered in fungal spores, oozing slime or other unpleasant substances. Anyone lingering in the area soon finds themselves caked in sweat. Even the buildings have an unhealthy, decrepid look to them.


Wandering Monsters

Roll 1D6 every other turn, there is a 1-in-6 chance of an encounter. Encounter distance, etc should be determine as normal using your system of preference.

1D6 roll Encounter
1 1D3 Fungus creatures (see notes below for stats).
2 3D6 Giant Rats .
3 1D6 Wild Boars.
4 1D4 Villagers (normal humans, either traders or locals who survived, they are terrified and just want to escape).
5 1D10 emaciated Herd Animals.
6 1D3 Fungus creatures (see notes below for stats).

🍄 Location 1 - The Watch Houses

Overgrown wooden buildings (covered in violet hued fungus). Decaying wood (rendered soft and spongy by the invading fungus). Dead bodies (covered with a fuzzy carpet of grey mold and fungus).

🍄 Location 2 - Sinister Church

Abandoned church (familiar cruciform layout). Deceased parishioners (skeletal, seating and clad in the rotting remains of clothing).

Statue of a Forsaken deity

Fungus Creature AC 8 [11], HD 2 (9 hp), Att 1d6, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60' (20'), SV D12 W13 P14 15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL C, XP 35

🍄 Location 3 - Abandoned Priest Quarters

Small quarters (cramped and with rotted remains of habitation). Once a centre of learning (filled with rotten remnants of papers and books moldy past all usefulness). Dead Priest (in decayed vestments, shows signs of having been stabbed multiple times prior to death).

Concealed Writing

Rotted remains of a desk (once had a locked drawer but it has collapsed). Sealed metal scroll-case (tarnished by age and the damp but has not let in much water).

Our harvests have failed and the people begin to lose faith in the gods, they say that the recent falling star in the hills to the north was an ill-omen or a sign that the gods have abandoned the people of Mistreach. I have counselled them to remain strong, but my faith begins to waiver and I wonder how long it will be before their fear turns to anger?

Young Stilwell bought something back from the hills the other day, it says that it offers salvation from our famine, already people begin to gather around him and I have already heard angry whispers that we should not follow a god that has forsaken us. I can only pray some help arrives before things go too far.

🍄 Location 4 - Rotting Home

Festering longhouse (remnants of a large habitation with a central (disused) fire-pit). Moldy pile of food and trash (if searched however there are 1D3 still edible rations, 10SP and a dagger).

Remnants of the Villagers

Fungus Creatures AC 8 [11], HD 2 (9 hp), Att 1d6, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60' (20'), SV D12 W13 P14 15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL C, XP 35

🍄 Location 5 - Nursery

Mold covered longhouse (carpeted in fuzzy, grey mold and fungus). Remains of a nursery (rotten wooden cribs and moldy blankets lie everywhere although their are no signs of normal children).

Pod Tree

Immature Fungus Creatures AC 12 [7], HD 1 (4 hp), Att 1d4, THAC0 19 [+0], MV 30' (10'), SV D12 W13 P14 15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL C, XP 10

Below the Tree

If the PCs examine the trunk of the tree they see that its roots have plunged through the floorboards and earth below the hut into the ground and seem to drop into a deep cavern (this leads to the Mushroom Grotto).

🍄 Location 6 - Abandoned Loggers

Small home (filled with rotting wood). Once home of Stilwell Carls (and now inhabited by what remains of his brother Mathew Carls). Rotten treasure chest (containing 300SP and 30GP).

Mathew Carls (Semi-intelligent Fungus Creature)

Although similiar physically to the other mature fungus creatures, Mathew Carls has managed to maintain some of his intelligence, although it is only a few fragments, when he attacks he spouts random phrases is a syrupy, rotten voice.

The GM can tailor these phrases to suit their game but some examples are offered below:

Mathew Carls (Fungus Creature) AC 8 [11], HD 2 (9 hp), Att 1d6, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60' (20'), SV D12 W13 P14 15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL C, XP 35

🍄 Location 7 - Neglected Tavern

Small, rotting, wooden tavern (filled with dusty, decaying remnants of previous village life). Fungus free (the building is free from the fungus infection due to the copies amounts of strong alchohol soaked into the wood).

Signs of Previous Adventurers

Exploring the tavern the PCs find, carved into the wood of the tavern a message from some previous adventurers who were trapped in the city and eventually slain, it is magically carved into the wood of the building by a mage and has thus survived.

"I don't know how much longer we can hold out, these creatures keep coming, I'm going to make a stand here and the others are going to make a break for the tunnel in the building with the tree and those damn pods, whatever's down there can't be worse than up here."

Lying a short distance away is the body of a man wearing stained and decaying scarlet robes, the contents of his satchel are magically preserved and have survived.

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